This is for the 27th Dec Party that is normally thrown at Le Chateau. My mother usually has a special surprise for all her great grandkids...with some of the gifts they receive it is no wonder that everyone wants to be a great grandchild of Rita Tassé.

My mother is usually the Secret Santa!!

Even with a pandemic of COVID hanging over our heads, lockdowns and sometimes provincial border closures let alone the national border closures -- this lady of 91 never stops trying to please her great grandkids and this year is even more important as two new members of the great grandkids community have been added yet my mother does not slow down or forget anyone.

I do not have pictures from all the houses of my sisters and their families, but needless to say, it all happened about the same way.

We start with Kathryn's house where two of the great grandkids are waiting for their surprise from Grandma the Great. You will notice in the video that the kids were asked to put on Oven Mitts. This was a plot to have the adventure take longer to allow Grandma the Great to have more time to enjoy the fun.

I include a picture of Christmas past to allow people to see the families involved. Note, for this one, Joshua was not available until the 28th

I thought I'd take my picture next to my mother

Here is Kathryn and her grandmother/godmother

I am trying to capture the event

After the Zoom call, Kathryn FaceTime'd Grandma the Great to show her the "tradition" that she wanted to make sure she didn't forget. She brought out her gingerbread house to be broken on Grandma's word...

Next house that she went to was Thomas'.

Here is Jasmine & Gavin tackling the event

Ranger doesn't seem moved by the festivities

Then the next house was Matthew's

Arianna & Jessika were going to dive into this and do it!!!

Matthew & Moka just watched and enjoyed the girls having fun

Mom, from all the great grandkids and their parents, thanks for keeping the tradition going. We will have a 2021 Christmas!!!